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Earn your theologically accredited Bachelor, Master, or Doctorate Degree in less time and with great savings!

Northwestern Accelerated Degree Programs

Northwestern Christian University Accelerated Degree Programs

Understanding the NCU Accelerated Program

NCU University Course Requirements

Northwestern Christian University emphasizes specialized 90-Day accelerated degree programs.

Accelerated 90-Day Programs

For the accelerated bachelor degree programs, a PLA Prior Learning Assessment is required. PLA is not mandatory for Master’s and Doctoral degree programs, but may be completed for 30 added credits.  A Thesis is required for all bachelor and master’s degree programs and a dissertation is required for all doctoral degree programs. A GUIDE for preparing your PLA includes the GUIDE for preparing your thesis or dissertation.


“The great benefit of an accelerated degree program, beside the huge savings of both time and money, is that all study is focused on your major only. This concentrated study allows the student to become an expert in the field of their major in as little as 90-days!” 

Historically in Europe, the standard has always been that students prove mastery of their subject major, through research and performance of a Thesis or Dissertation. Each Thesis or Dissertation Will focus directly on the course major only, with the goal of mastering subject matter related to the major.

 The PLA “Prior Learning Assessment Guide” Appears On the Main Menu and includes your Guide to Preparing Your Thesis or Dissertation is provided On The Main Topics Menu.

Degree Programs:

  1. Bachelor of Arts  (B.A.)
  2. Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.)
  3. Master of Theology (M.A.)
  4. Master of Theology (M.Th.)
  5. Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
  6. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
  7. Doctor of Theology (Th.D.)
  8. Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.)

Primary Course Majors:

  1. Biblical Studies
  2. Biblical History
  3. Theology
  4. Ministry/ Divinity
  5. Christian Education
  6. Christian Education Administration
  7. Christian Counseling
  8. Christian Counseling Administration
  9. Christian Social Work
  10. Christian Humanities
  11. Organizational Leadership

*Course majors are listed and can be selected from the NCU application form.

Accelerated online degree programs allow students to earn their degrees in as little as 90-days in numerous majors. This is possible for Bachelor degree programs through a process involving PLA: Prior Learning Assessment reflecting valuable life and educational experience for a value of up to 90 credits toward your degree. The Bachelor Thesis provides an additional 30 credits allowing a total of 120 credits. *Not everyone has qualified experience to earn PLA credit, but for those who do it can result in saving a tremendous amount of time and expense.

*Master's and Doctorate programs do not require PLA assessment. However, the PLA is an option for additional credit. Only (1) PLA may be utilized.  PLA if completed for a Master’s or Doctoral program may reflect valuable life and educational experience earning an additional 30 credits. An additional 30 cr. hrs. is granted for Thesis or Dissertation providing a total of 60 credits.

Today numerous colleges and universities are providing the great benefit of PLA: Prior Learning Assessments to their mature, more experienced students to translate lifetime learning experience into credits to be legitimately applied to degree programs. This translates into huge savings in both time and educational expense. Northwestern is providing this great benefit to all qualified students.

Many accelerated degree programs are available at schools throughout the United States as it has become a popular trend. Master’s by Thesis only and Doctorate by Dissertation only is not a new concept. It has been a popular way of earning a research based degree in Europe for well over a century.

For some fortunate students, the accelerated Bachelor degree program can be completed in just 90-days depending on the students documented prior education, proven skill set and time management ability allowing for an approved PLA with 90-credit hours. The accelerated Master's and Doctorate degrees can actually be earned in less than 90-Days depending on the student's skill set and time management skills.

The key to our accelerated Bachelor program is the 90-credit hour (PLA) Prior learning Assessment. The PLA format is a tool being used by numerous colleges and universities today. It utilizes a system whereby student's are able to document prior life, military, work and educational experience through organizing a portfolio. This portfolio can then be assessed for appropriate credits which can be applied to an accelerated degree program. Understand that the high credit value attributed to the PLA assessment is most appropriate as it reflects many years of experience and proven competence.

For those who enroll in accelerated online Master's and Doctoral programs a PLA is optional and not mandatory. But if qualified can add additional credit.

  • An easy to follow guide is provided for preparing your PLA and for writing your thesis or dissertation for your accelerated degree programs at Northwestern.

*SPECIAL: NCU Optional (Non-Mandatory) Core Courses are available to enhance your knowledge regarding some majors. To inquire whether any NCU Core Courses apply to your major, send an email to: *Core Courses are pass/fail by essay and can provide 5 cr. hrs. extra credit per course. 

This special NCU educational program is (Research Based) by Thesis or Dissertation only following the century old European standard. Prior Learning Assessment (or) PLA is mandatory for Bachelor programs only. *PLA is not mandatory but can provide extra credit  for Master’s and Doctoral programs. 


90-Day Accelerated Degree Program Requirements:


Bachelor Program    (B.A. or B.Th.)    *Any Major     *90-days or more

PLA: Prior Learning Assessment 90 Cr Hrs
Bachelor Thesis 30 Cr Hrs
Total Required Credits 120 Cr Hrs

*Extra NCU Core Courses may be assigned to offset lacking Transfer Credit (or) PLA Credit

Master's Program   (M.A. or MTh)    *Any Major      *90-days or less

*Any Bachelor degree fulfills requirements for acceptance.

Master's Thesis                 30 Cr Hrs
PLA *Optional if qualified 30 Cr Hrs
Total Required Credits 30 (or) 60 Cr Hrs

Doctorate Program   (Ph.D.)   *Any Major    *90-0days or less

*Any Master's degree fulfills requirements for acceptance.

Doctoral Dissertation                30 Cr Hrs
PLA *Optional if qualified 30 Cr Hrs
Total Required Credits 30 (or) 60 Cr Hrs

* Major NCU courses may be fulfilled through transfer of appropriate course credits from outside schools when supported by transcripts.

Enroll in any ONLINE accelerated degree program today and your cost is just $499 total cost. There are no additional fees or expenses.  NCU branches will charge additional fees to cover graduation ceremony and other expenses. *The special 100% ONLINE program does not require a physical grad. ceremony. 

Today numerous colleges and universities are providing the great benefit of PLA: Prior Learning Assessments, for their more experienced students, to translate lifetime learning experience into credits to be legitimately applied to degree programs. This translates into huge savings in both time and educational expense. NCU is providing this great benefit to all qualified students.

May you be blessed by this great opportunity to receive university credits for your prior life/ educational experience to be applied toward a university degree program.

"Study to show yourself approved, a workman who need not be ashamed, handling accurately the Word of Truth" (II Timothy 2:15)  *paraphrase

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