Northwestern Christian University
"Educating the World for Jesus Christ"

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Christian Education

Earn your theologically accredited Bachelor, Master, or Doctorate Degree in less time and with great savings!


NCU University is celebrating over 35-years of educational ministry, since 1980           *Just click any question below, for the answer

NCU 90-Day Accelerated Degree Programs

Why go to a Christian University?

This is an important question which requires a well thought out answer. You may think to yourself that this is a question that only you would have the answer for, since you came to us. However, we do not want to take lightly the importance of you knowing exactly why you are seeking to attend a Christian University. First, the University is not for just current or future pastors, teachers, or missionaries, but is preparation for all levels of effective ministry. You are preparing to minister to the many and the few. Your calling may not be related  towards  becoming a full time minister at a church or ministry, but may be a local calling to help those around you, even within your own personal relationships. You go to a Christian University to prepare to be a more equipped Christian.

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Why Northwestern Christian University?

Before answering this question we would first like to give you the key to your success in attending any Christian University. You should only attend your chosen Christian University after prayerful consideration and having received the peace of God in your decision. The peace of God will be your confirmation that this or any other Christian University is the one that you should attend. If you attend the seminary that God would have you attend, you will be transformed and equipped in a manner beyond the capabilities of the preparation you will receive at any Christian University in the world, as you will be aligned with God's will and purpose for your life in your decision. NCU is one of many good Christian Universities to choose from. However, NCU has (3) three characteristics that make it appealing to many: (1) no time-restrictions, (2) affordability, and (3) convenience. At NCU you will study at your own pace with no time-restrictions on your courses. You study when you can. Our costs are kept at a minimum, with great savings in comparison to traditional schools, in order to make it affordable for those seeking to complete their desired degree programs. The programs are 100% online, so you can study from any computer in any place that has an internet connection, including the comfort of your own home. No need to travel.

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Is Northwestern Christian University (or its affiliate ministries) involved with, or part of, the Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints?

This is a question that is made to the University due to the closeness in name of our ministerial affiliation with the Worldwide Church of Jesus Christ (WCJC). WCJC is NOT, in anyway, part of the Latter Day Saints. WCJC ("Worldwide Church of Jesus Christ") is a recognized and legal name of the ministerial Church arm of Christian Alliance Ministries, representing more than 4,000 chartered churches around the world that have applied and been accepted by WCJC, who believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the Church as the representative of Christ on earth. For more information you can visit the website of Christian Alliance Ministries located at:

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Is Northwestern Christian University accredited?

Northwestern Christian University is theologically accredited by the International Association for Christian Educational Accountability (IACEA). We wish to make it perfectly clear that due to the principle of separation of Church and state (Mark 12:17; James 4:4; II Corinthians 6:14), the IACEA has chosen not to seek endorsement by either the EAES or COPA, but is a rapidly growing and respected network of schools on the cutting edge of the Cause of Christ. In addition, the University has opted not to be regionally accredited. This means that Northwestern Theological Seminary is not eligible for student loans, grants, or GI Bills, and cannot be used to defer payments on student loans used for attending a regionally accredited school.
For more information you can visit the website of the International Association of Christian Educational Accountability located at:

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Are degrees awarded by Northwestern Christian University recognized?

Degrees awarded by Northwestern Christian University are recognized as religious related degrees by the State of Florida, USA. You are legally entitled to use achieved educational degrees from NCU in your resumes, as well as titles of doctor in your name. For the most part, religious bodies accept degrees issued by non-regionally accredited schools, but we would advice that if you are interested in a specific religious organization, that you obtain the educational criteria for ordination by that specific organization.

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What is meant by Love Offer in lieu of tuition?

All degree programs of Northwestern Christian University are offered with a Love Offer range based on the specific level of study (Bachelor, Master, or Doctorate). The applicant agrees to pay a Love Offer within the range established in the Application for Enrollment, with the minimum amount being accepted for payment of the program. The term ‘Love Offer’ is used because of the international work that is supported by the funds received through Northwestern Christian University and is received in lieu of tuition. The ‘Love Offer’ amount represents the required full amount necessary to earn a specific degree through the chosen degree program in the application.

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Am I required to attend any on-campus classes?

No. All of our courses are established as Distant Learning Courses. Once the applicant is enrolled, they will receive access to their degree programs including the required reference books in PDF format or multimedia reference, through the NTSMoodle Course Management System. There is no need to attend any classes in any campus. Once you access your course work, you will begin working from your computer.

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What is the NTSMoodle?

The NTSMoodle is a well known Course Management System used by many colleges and universities worldwide. It is designed to help educators create quality online courses. One of the main advantages of Moodle over other systems is a strong grounding in social constructionist pedagogy.

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What is the Online Student Records (OSR)?

The Online Student Records (OSR) provides students with a copy of their financial and academic school records. The NTSMoodle System will provide the student access to these files directly. Grades are provided for each course from within the course itself upon completion of the assignment(s).

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How long does it take to complete a degree program?

This is solely based on the student’s dedication to their studies, the amount of credits transferred from previous schools, life experience credits earned (for undergraduate programs), and required courses left to complete. Degrees are normally estimated to be completed within 2-4 years, but in some cases, programs have been completed in less than 1 year.

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Will Northwestern Christian University accept credits earned by non-accredited schools or programs?

In most cases, once documentation submitted has been evaluated, we will allow for non-accredited course credits to be transferred as long as it is compatible to the course of study necessary for your degree program. We would encourage that you submit all of your studies for consideration.

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Can I earn a degree with Northwestern Christian University by just using life experience?

No. Life experience credits can only account for up to 25% of your required credits in your undergraduate degree programs only. NCU degrees are earned degrees which will require that course work be submitted and a passing grade given in order to receive a degree from this University. There is no life experience credits for our Graduate Programs (only compatible educational backgrounds).

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What is the University’s denominational standing?

Northwestern Christian University is a non-denominational religious institution. We encourage all denominations to apply for enrollment. Our courses are structured in a way in which a student can complete their research papers from an individual denominational position. You will only be asked to be completely thorough in your paper providing adequate reference work to support your position.

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What is the University’s doctrinal position?

  • We believe the Bible to be the inspired and infallible Word of God.

  • We believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • We believe in the Genesis Biblical account of creation.

  • We believe in the deity of Christ, including His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return.

  • We believe salvation to be a free gift of God by grace, through faith and is possessed by anyone who has, by grace through faith, received the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

  • We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, who empowers Christians to live a godly life.

  • We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; the saved, unto the resurrection of eternal life in a literal heaven and the lost unto the resurrection of damnation, in a literal hell.

  • We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the head of His body, the Church.

  • We believe that through the gift of faith, God draws those who will believe the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • We believe that God’s grace, mercy and love endures forever.

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Why does Northwestern Christian University sound too good to be true?

Because NCU is a Christ-centered religious institution that seeks to prepare men and women for their individual callings, our answer is simple; we are a Christian University interested in fulfilling God’s calling to provide Christ centered Biblical education for the world at minimal expense. However, we encourage our applicants to seek God’s direction through prayer, in the choosing of an educational institution from which to complete their degree programs. Only if God has given you peace and assurance in your decision to enroll with Northwestern Christian University should you submit an application to enroll. For all who enroll, we truly believe that each student will receive the benefit of uncompromised, Godly instruction as found only in the Living Word of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Who do I contact with questions during my time with NCU?

24- hour staff and your student advisor is there to answer any questions you may have with regards to your program, administrative issues, and financial issues. The advisor will lead you in staying within the course parameter. You should keep your advisor updated as to your current status by emailing 

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 How do I submit completed course work?

Course work in the form of your thesis or dissertation is to be send as a PDF email attachment to:  Your grade will be provided in 24 hours or less.

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How is my thesis or dissertation graded?

Thesis and dissertations are uploaded by PDF attachment directly to  Thesis and dissertations that are completed and receive a passing grade will be accepted as fulfillment of NCU course requirement. Notifications will be sent to the student with a grade for their completed work. 

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Where do I obtain my textbooks?

For the most part, the NCU student will not need to purchase textbooks, Free e-books are provided online and at our Much research can be accomplished by simply searching the Internet.

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How do I receive my Grade Reports?

Your NCU grade Report is provided after completion of your thesis or dissertation by email.

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How long do I have to complete my degree program?

Accelerated, research based degree programs can be completed in 90-day or less depending on your time management and scheduling ability.  Distance learning is a very independent way of studying. that requires discipline. It is essential that you make earning your NCU degree a priority.

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How can I find out the balance of my student financial account?

Students pay the donation in full following grading and prior to awarding of their degree.

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When do I receive my degrees, once I've completed my program?

NCU printable degrees are awarded within 12 hours after all academic course requirements have been met, and the full balance of the Love Offer has been paid. Both of these requirements must be met in order to receive your degree. 

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How do I receive my degrees?

Students that have met both the academic and financial requirements of their programs will receive their printable degree with watermark, gold seal and signatures by email attachment ready for printing and framing..  Printing and framing instructions are provided. 

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Can I obtain an ordination or license to work in the field in which I have obtained my degree from NTS?

Ordinations are only provided for those ministers who are called to operate a ministry under a charter with “The Worldwide Church of Jesus Christ”. Although your ministry will be independent and self-governing, it will be in affiliation with WCJC. WCJC will always have the right to terminate both the charter and ordination for improprieties and at the discretion of the Presiding Pastor of Christian Alliance Ministries/ WCJC and its Board.

Licenses are not provided by NCU and should be researched on an individual basis, based on the State or Country in which you reside. You must follow the laws established by your region in this regard.

Please keep in mind that the purpose of this Christian University Education is to prepare students for ministry related fields and not necessarily a field of the secular world. Although, it should be pointed out that the degrees obtain from NCU are legal in most states and countries and if applicable, can be placed in your resume as level of educational attainment. Titles such as Doctor are also legally recognized in most states as an accomplishment in a specific field of Religious Studies.

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Can I use my enrollment with Northwestern to defer payment to lenders of previous student loans?

No. Student loans used in order to attend regionally accredited schools are provided as part of an agreement to attend an eligible school with an OPE-ID number, provided to regionally accredited schools. Northwestern Christian University is not regionally accredited, and as such does not have an OPE-ID number.

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Can I use Financial Aid (grants, scholarships, loans, etc) provided by the use of FASFA?

No. FASFA can only be used for attending regionally accredited schools, recognized by the Department of Education as having received accreditation from any regional accreditation body. As indicated, Northwestern Christian University is theologically accredited by an independent Christian accrediting body, and although recognized by the State of Arizona and the State of Florida as a religious educational institution as an exempt religious institution, the University has opted to maintain non-regional accreditation.

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Does the U.S. Armed Forces recognize degrees earned at Northwestern for their Chaplaincy Programs?

No. The U.S. Armed Forces require that all chaplains have a degree from a recognized regionally accredited school. Degrees earned at Northwestern will not qualify you for the U.S. Armed Forces Chaplaincy Program.

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Can the payments made to my Love Offer in lieu of tuition be used as a tax deductible donation in my tax forms?

Love Offers are an offer made in lieu of tution by a disciple/student for religious education. It is a payment amount (selected by the enrollee) in lieu of (a pre-set) tuition, in appreciation for our commitment to your discipleship.

Love offers in lieu of tuition are NOT tax deductible for the following reason, as established by IRS Regulations with regards to contributions in exchange for services:

According to IRS Regulations, because contributions are allowable to donors only to the extent that contributions exceed the value of the services received in exchange, and because the value of the Northwestern Christian University Degree Programs far exceeds the contributions of Love Offers in lieu of tuitions, deductions of Love Offers are not allowable for student income tax purposes...

However, donations that are freely given (to support of worldwide ministries) without expecting anything in return or as part of a payment in lieu of tuition are 100% tax deductible.

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Who do I contact with questions?

Applicants / For Admissions:

Contact the Admissions Office at:


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NORTHWESTERN CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, 14391 Spring Hill Dr #288, Spring Hill, Florida 34609 USA

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