Northwestern Christian University
"Educating the World for Jesus Christ"

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Welcome to Northwestern

Northwestern Christian University offers the most time-efficient and affordable way ever to receive your quality, theologically accredited, Bachelor, Masters, and Doctorate Degrees. NCU SAVES you up to 98% when compared to many private university degree programs.


Welcome Message from the Founder's Desk

"Celebrating Over 44-years of Christ Centered Educational Ministry"

Dear Prospective Student:

Greetings to you in the name of Jesus, our living Savior and loving Lord...

Allow me to extend to you a very warm welcome, and to congratulate you on your very wise decision to advance your knowledge through Christ centered education which will positively enhance both your life and career. The fact that you are reading our academic information shows that you are being drawn by the Lord to grow and benefit from His divine WILL for your life as you acquire your Christian University Education.

In choosing the theologically accredited, non-traditional, approach to acquiring your Bachelor, Master and Doctorate degrees you have made a wise decision that you can remain confident in.  Now, along with many others, you too will save considerable time and money as you speed up the process leading to the accomplishment of your educational goals and total life fulfillment in His calling.  Furthermore, you are doing it in the most efficient and effective way imaginable.

Since 1980, we have watched our ministries develop and grow, by the Grace of God, to many thousands of worldwide affiliated members involved with thousands of churches in affiliation with our Church, "The Worldwide Church of Jesus Christ" and hundreds of branches of Northwestern Theological Seminary and Northwestern Christian University.  By the Lord's Grace, we anticipate reaching our goal of ONE MILLION affiliate members as the Lord continues to bless our ministries in the years to come, if He should tarry..

As a student and/or ministry member, of our Worldwide Ministries, we ask that you participate as a prayer partner and that you become familiar with our ministries around the world.  We are a non-denominational, conservative, main stream, worldwide evangelical ministry operating in obedience to our Lord's Great Commission.

It is my prayer for you, that Northwestern Christian University may be used of God as a tool for your development in the accomplishment of your Christian professional, personal and ministry goals. Your bachelor and graduate level degrees can be valuable documents which demonstrate your qualifications as you move forward in your ministry related career as a Christian professional.

I sincerely wish you all of the best in Christ, as you continue to reach and achieve all of your Christ centered goals in life.  May the Lord bless you as you serve and grow in the knowledge of His matchless grace through the unfathomable wisdom of His divine word.

Sincerely in Christ,

Howard M. Sarkela, PhD., Th.D., D.Min., D.D.
Presiding Bishop 
Northwestern Christian University          


Jesus said, “Sanctify them in truth; thy word is truth.”
John 17:17

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NORTHWESTERN CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY, 14391 Spring Hill Dr #288, Spring Hill, Florida 34609 USA

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